Write your memoir. Leave your mark.

book coaching,
and small-class instruction
for writers of memoir and memoir hybrid.

A writer's table sits ready with an open laptop, books notebook, water glass, chocolate, and timer.

Your memoir is a book only YOU can write.
I can help.

New: Want to share memories but write a whole memoir? I now have a Memory Book option! See Services: Ghostwriting for more info

Three Reasons to Work with Me

Erika Solberg, a white woman with short, graying brown hair and glasses, wears a green sweater and smiles.

1. I have the right background.

I have a BA in English with theater from Yale University, an MFA in creative writing (fiction) from Louisiana State University, and more than twenty-five years’ experience as a writer, editor, and educator. I believe that with the right assistance, anyone can tap into the power of words. For more on me, see my About page.

2. I have the right skills.

I excel at listening to or reading a story and understanding what that story wants to do. I can then pinpoint the steps a writer needs to take to make their story the best it can be or use my own skills to tell that story. I know how to teach craft, help a writer develop a creative process that works for them, and collaborate with writers so that their voice is always the dominant one. No matter your level of experience, I can provide you with the support and expertise to create an engaging, effectively written memoir that will captivate the audience you want to reach. For more on me, see my About page.

3. You won’t be risking a lot of money.

My prices are lower than most comparable services so that I can work with the kind of writer I want to work with. Additionally, I communicate with clients up front exactly what they will be paying for, don’t engage in upselling, and set up payments in installments so that both I and my clients are comfortable with our level of commitment. Details about pricing can be found on my Services page, and more on my pricing rationale can be found on my FAQ page.

What I do.

Book coaching.

A Black male coach and Black female player in uniform stand on the sidelines of a soccer field with their backs to us.

Do you want to write your memoir yourself but need someone to regularly support you with structure, craft guidance, & feedback? I can provide you with coaching tailored to your needs.


A person stands in a field wearing a basic ghost costume and waves at us. The ocean is in the background.

Do you want to write your memoir but lack the time or the skillset to get it done? I can take you move from idea to finished manuscript.


Two people edit a document on a laptop. A white person’s hand points at something on the screen while the other white person’s hand uses the track pad

Have you drafted your memoir and now need specific feedback and guidance on how to revise it? I can provide several types of editorial support.


A group of students

Enjoy learning and sharing your work with a small group? I teach various in-person classes.

Not sure what service you need?
Contact me for a free 30-minute phone consultation.

Let’s talk about your memoir!


(270) 202-5149

Four Reasons to Write Your Memoir

1) No one can write your memoir except you.

Others can write about your life from the outside-what you’ve done, what you’ve said— but only you can write it from the inside—what you’ve thought, what you’ve felt, and what has mattered most to you. You can share things no one else can.

2) Writing your memoir is an attainable goal.

A memoir is a story about a specific aspect or period of your life, so you don’t have to cover everything. It can be about exciting events, ordinary times, struggles, or successes—or all of these things. And because it’s about you, you’re automatically an expert on the subject.

3) There’s an audience who wants to read it.

This audience may be family and friends, strangers who can learn from your experiences, those you’ve worked with and influenced, or descendants who haven’t been born yet. I can’t guarantee your memoir will sell a million copies, but I do know there are possible readers out there.

4) You’ll learn about yourself.

Writing a memoir requires you to think through your experiences and the people in your life and connect them in ways you might not have before. You’ll understand yourself and your life better.

Looking up to a beautiful, magical blue and starry sky in the snaking gap between two brown mountains.

I can assist with any memoir-writing challenge.

  • I’ll help you tap into the reasons you want to write a memoir and tamp down the reasons you think you can’t.

  • I’ll guide you in finding and exploring the memories that will form the core of your story.

  • I’ll ask the questions that will help you interpret your life’s events.

  • I’ll use my writing skills to shape and structure the amazing story you want to tell.

  • I’ll share my writing craft and teach you to develop your own.

  • I’ll give you honest feedback and guide you to create a plan for what to do next.

  • I’ll keep you going when you consider stopping.

  • I’ll steer you toward the best audience for your ideas.

A stack of six books with their bottom ends facing us